Leaf & Tackle LLC is all things Hemp! Feminized hemp seed, seedlings, clones, and healthy soil systems. Our team operates a facility in central New Mexico. As Native New Mexican hemp farmers who successfully cultivated and produced a sold hemp crop in the inaugural year of 2019, we know the importance of quality and reputable genetics. Leaf & Tackle is presenting specific feminized hemp seed genetics to aspirant hemp farmers while consulting on best practices for every unique region. One seed or seedling “fits all” concept swept across New Mexico in 2019 resulting in high number of failed hemp operations. Leaf & Tackle’s Root to Harvest Farm Program empowers farmers from start to finish with proven, quality genetics (seed/seedlings/clones), to farm plans, soil health management, planting, organic methods for pest control, harvest, and most importantly marketing channels for the sale of your hemp crop. Our experienced professionals are dedicated to all clients and look forward to assisting in accomplishing each Leaf & Tackle farmers vison and goals.
In an industry full of questionable broker types and third parties, we are producers with hands in the soil. We have developed infrastructure and networks. We operate an indoor propagation greenhouse where quality seedlings and clones are produced. We have access to over 400 acres of outdoor Hemp cultivation that renders quality, high potency CBD biomass. We want the opportunity to work with your organization to supply your grow with our proven genetics for all your season’s seed, seedling and clone needs.
We have millions of feminized hemp seeds and limited seedlings ready for your 2022 grow reservation! All feminized seeds sold are tested in compliance with USDA regulations (below 0.3% THC) and have flawless feminization rates. All feminized hemp seed is sold with AOSA germination testing and DNA sequencing to ensure seed quality.